“Your show was AMAZING!!!!!!!
People were telling me for days
how much fun they had.”

Progressive Insurance, Lincoln, Nebraska

Got Comedy? What’s Your Event?

Corporate Comedy

From Holiday Parties to Employee & Client Appreciations where EVERYONE can have a blast, a comedian is a perfect choice.

Hire a comedian for your corporate event


With standup comedy at a fundraiser, people walk away feeling they got some great laughs and gave to a great cause!

Client Appreciation Comedy

Client Appreciation

Wealth Management, Farmer Appreciations, Insurance Agencies, Trade Shows.

Comedy Club

From ACME Comedy Company to Zanies Comedy Club, with many VFW’s, Bars and Country Clubs in between……

“John DeBoer played the audience like a Stratocaster”. … Minneapolis Star-Tribune

Get a Quote From John

Call 888-414-9779

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    Input the code to verify.


    Happy Clients Say…

    “Rave reviews”

    “Everyone loved you.” 

    “Highest Praise”

    Get a Quote From John

    Call 888-414-9779

      Your Name (* All required)

      Your Email (*)

      Subject (*)

      Message or Event Details(*)

      Phone (*)

      Input the code to verify.


      Want to hire the perfect standup comedian for your event?

      Holiday Parties
      Client Appreciations
      Association Dinners
      Chamber Banquets
      Dinner Shows
      Country Clubs
      Bar/Nightclub Shows
      Theater Shows